The Leros Cat Foundation


Welcome to The Leros Cat Foundation

About The Leros Cat Foundation

In April 2019, my partner David and I saw an article in the Guardian about Leros, a quiet Greek island in the Dodecanese.

At first sight we fell in love with the beautiful neoclassical houses, and we bought one as a holiday home. In August 2020, with another lockdown looming in London and the advantages of working remotely, we decided to move from London to Leros and make it our new home.

As cat lovers, we could not ignore the distressing conditions in which the street cats survive and often die. Being run over by a car is very sad but, presently in Leros, it is a quick painless death, often ending a life of trauma, suffering and misery.


Today – according to our local expert vet Mihalis Kontrafouris – there is an overpopulation of street cats leading to horrific living conditions in Leros a Greek island of the Dodecanese. Around 8000 cats and kittens struggle to survive.


Coming together and ensuring a sustainable way of helping animals. That's why we believe in Animal Allies Society. It's a new, innovative way forward.

In the main town of Lakki we feed, twice a day, 150 to 200 cats and kittens through our dedicated feeding stations. We constantly save street cats and kittens from starvation and illness as well as placing cats and kittens for adoption within Greece and wider Europe.

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Your voice will be heard through ours. If you'd like to add anything else about your experience, type it here.
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Some of our rescues

As cat lovers, we could not ignore the distressing conditions in which the street cats survive and often die.


We are at a crucial time where, without donations, we will not be able to sustain our commitment to the ever-growing street cat population within our 16 stations. Despite a weekly sterilisation programme, the street cat population keeps growing.

New kittens are born with terrible diseases and – for lack of funds – we cannot provide medical treatment for all of them. We are now starting an adoption programme as a matter of urgency. The Greek winter which will kill 70% of the kittens in the next few weeks has already been quite harsh.


Cat feeding stations built around Lakki.


Cats sterilized


Cats given medical treatment
