Cats Drinking Pool Water at Hotels

As the sun beats down relentlessly on the beautiful island of Kos, Greece, it brings with it a challenging reality for our feline friends. With access to fresh water becoming increasingly scarce, cats on the island are left with no choice but to quench their thirst from the only available sources – swimming pools and other standing water.

In this blog post, we shed light on the dire situation faced by these thirsty cats and call upon animal lovers worldwide to lend a compassionate hand in providing the lifesaving gift of water.

The Struggle for Survival

Kos, with its charming landscapes and warm climate, attracts tourists from far and wide. However, behind the picturesque scenes, lies a concerning issue for the island's feline population. As water sources dwindle during the sweltering summers, cats are left with few options to satisfy their thirst. The desperation leads them to rely on whatever water they can find, often resorting to drinking from swimming pools and puddles, which can be detrimental to their health.

Just like humans, water is an essential element for cats to survive and thrive. Hydration is vital for maintaining their overall health, supporting kidney function, regulating body temperature, and aiding digestion. Dehydration can lead to severe health complications, and in extreme cases, it can even prove fatal.

Water is such an easy thing to get for humans in Greece. Sadly, our furry friends are not so lucky. With your help, we can rally and get hotel owners to install feeding and watering stations for cats.

Jane Cooper Founder at GASAH

The compassionate actions of individuals can make a significant impact on the lives of these thirsty cats.

How You Can Make a Difference

Support us to make a change for our friends. Other things you can also do:

  • Water Stations: Collaborate with local animal welfare organizations or concerned community members to set up water stations across the island. Strategically placed bowls of fresh water can be a lifeline for cats wandering in search of hydration.

  • Community Involvement: Engage with residents and tourists to raise awareness about the issue and encourage them to leave out bowls of water for stray cats they come across.

  • Support Local Animal Shelters: Reach out to animal shelters in Kos that work tirelessly to rescue, care for, and rehome stray and abandoned cats. Donations of fresh water, cat food, and financial support can help these organizations carry out their crucial missions.

  • Promote Responsible Tourism: Tourists visiting Kos can play a role in protecting the local cat population by being mindful of their environmental impact. Avoid littering, and support businesses that actively support animal welfare initiatives.


As we revel in the beauty of Kos and the charming cats that roam its streets, let us not forget the pressing issue of water scarcity that plagues these beloved creatures. Together, we have the power to extend a lifeline to these thirsty souls and ensure they have access to the most basic necessity of life - water. By uniting our efforts and showing compassion for these animals, we can make a profound difference in their lives and bring hope to their parched paws.

Let us act today and be the change that transforms the fate of the cats of Kos.

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